Thursday, April 17, 2008

I'm no Superwoman

I've never been good with numbers, and I get myself in this mindset of 'I can't' whenever they are placed in front of me. So obviously, being the office 1/2 of a self employed couple doesn't come very naturally to me.

I thought I was the only one who struggled, the only one who should have been looking out for a little yellow 'accounts for dummies' manual. Turns out I'm not alone.

It's a hard thing to reach out and ask for help, but when you discover another mum in the same boat as you, it makes it that little bit easier to give in to the fact that one isn't Superwoman, and nor should one have to try to be. My friend G is this other mum, she is also the genius who suggested we do a babysitting swap once a week each to help each other.

I had a weight lifted off my shoulders yesterday, a weight which I was ignoring, but knew in the back of my mind was there. Yesterday was the inaugural babysitting swap, and I must add, a very proud mummy moment for me because it was the boy's first time going to play at a friends house without me there.

Today it's my turn to return the favour, and I must say I'm quite looking forward to having two little blokes to entertain, truth be told, it's probably going to be me that's entertained by their antics!

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