Sunday, April 13, 2008

Lego Lego everywhere...

So the weekend has arrived and the heavens have opened up. As if the house wasn't a mess enough as it was, now we will have two whole days of insideness and the inevitable mess that comes with that.

Lego is all the rage at our house at the moment, and it was every three year old boys dream come true earlier in the week to receive a late birthday present of his very own box of the world famous blocks to add to his fathers collection saved up from years gone by.

It's amazing what you can make out of Lego, well, perhaps not so amazing when I make it, but when the man and the boy get together, it's cool what they come up with. The lounge floor is covered in trucks, a crocodile, a penguin, a dog, a house and that's just to name a few. Little hands and big hands working together on mini projects, the world is their Lego oyster.

Only down side to Lego of course is the pain it can cause to the old feet in the middle of the night, that lone naughty piece that even with the best pick up efforts managed to escape the bucket. And then there's the lovely truck mummy broke yesterday when she backed over it with the office chair. And as history would have it, mummy isn't the worlds best Lego put-back- togetherer.

On that note, I'm off to hang some washing up in the garage, I'll try my best not to trip on Lego, a three year old, and a 30 (something) year old scattered about on my lounge room floor.

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