Sunday, May 25, 2008

Dear Blog

18th of May, surely not, surely I've written in you since then. Double check. Nope, 18th of May it was. How slack is that, I started off with a hiss and a roar, but now, like my washing pile, you've been left neglected as another hour, day, week flutters by.

I do apologise for not popping in sooner, I hope you've not suffered from boredom during my absence. I certainly haven't been bored. Tired, but not bored.

I have been woken from slumber untold times the last week or two as Lil' Miss has been either teething, growth spurting or sick. She even managed to wake her big bro one night with her 2am antics. She's not much of a crier, more of a 'hey I'm awake and I'd love some company, can you hear me... huh hmm, hello..." kind of a gal. Last night was the best sleep I've had for quite some time. 10pm right through until 3.45am - woop woop! Lucky for everyone else in the family because Mummy - sleep = grumpy monster, and although aside from the fact that I'm not a morning person, the man in particular has learnt to be extra tipey toey around his sleep deprived Mrs.

So Blog, hopefully from that small summary you'll see why I've not been the ideal blogger of late. I hope you'll forgive me and not do funny things with my fonts or other shenanigans in order to teach me a lesson for not being as devoted to you as I intended.

Even though this has been short and sweet, I promise I will write again soon, perhaps a little more next time.



kiss kiss hug hug

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