Sunday, May 4, 2008

Photo Enthusiast

I've recently joined the VIP club at the local photo processing place. Now this is great for me because I get photos developed really cheap, but I have to wonder, how often does one have to be at a shop before they are considered a VIP? I hope they don't see me as one of those annoying customers which all the staff mumble - oh no, here she comes again to get her three prints done urgently and not pick them up until tomorrow. No, I don't think so, I've actually spent my fair share of dosh recently getting prints done, and our local photo lab guy understands my enthusiasm completely, because apart from being a photographer (albeit slightly, no, 100% more professional than me), he is also a dad with two young children for subjects.

They're offering a new service of having photos screenprinted on to canvas. I've seen it before in a magazine, but yesterday I had a look at one of the real things, and now I'm all inspired to go out and take some arty snapshots to hang up in this manner in our new house, the personal touch. I'm easily swayed away from my rather expensive taste in art I saw at The Mount a few weeks ago. All the paintings I like are well over the $1000 mark. Sigh.

I guess I could take the camera with me to Auckland today, yes, we're off again. Right jet setters at the moment. As a mum, I tend to pop the camera in the bag no matter where we go, just on the off chance that a cute shot may arise, and I did get a couple of good ones at the sister in laws last time we were there, a really nice one of her holding lil' miss, including a fresh baby badge atop her lovely handwash only jumper. Hehehe, ah, handwash only, those were the days.

Ok, now sitting here obviously isn't getting the bag packed. So, off I go down to the haystack that is our washing pile, to find those ever asked for black socks which I always remember to pack, and yet am always quizzed on whether or not I remembered them!

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