Wednesday, May 14, 2008


As the weather cools down, and the nights get that little bit longer, it's starting to feel just that little bit more snuggly. The boy is over snuggling now that he's three, except on the odd occasion that he might hurt himself, or feel unwell. And lil' miss isn't quite at the snuggly stage yet, she's big enough to wrap your arms around but of course at five months, hasn't quite caught onto the concept of snuggling for the sake of snuggling.

I do manage to get the odd sneaky snuggle in with the boy in the form of when he's all wrapped up in a towel after a shower - kind of cheating in the snuggle stakes, but I'll take what I can get. There's something special about a kid in a towel all warm and smelling nice rather than freezing cold because they've been playing in the puddles at 5pm or smelly because they've been playing in the mud - both activities totally irresistible to three year old boys.

Winter is great. Most people prefer summer, but in all honesty, I border on being a winter girl myself. Not that I'm a ski bunny or anything close, in fact, far from it, but I quite enjoy the dark nights, heater on, winter food - especially soup, kids in fleecy jammies, the adrenaline of the speed in which one has to dry oneself upon stepping out of the shower in order not to have to leap straight back in to warm up.

I've always enjoyed a nice hot long shower, another reason why winter is the perfect time of year for me. Being a mother now too, only adds to the niceness of the 'me-time' in the 900 x 900 square box of a shower. I've got clever too. I used to be a morning shower gal but with morning showers, the man is usually at work by shower time, and so with it usually comes "muuuuuuuuuuuum", and it's just not the same having the door opened mid shampoo rinse to disassemble a toy harbouring another toy jambed inside. So now, needless to say, I've switched to evening bathing. In peace and quite. It's quite a luxury, as only a mother would know. And just like snuggles with a three year old, I kind of cheat at showers too, you see, I am able to stay in just that bit longer at night, as by the time his head hits the pillow, the man is fast asleep, oblivious to the fact that water conservation is not my forte. (Sorry Green party, but we all have our once vice).

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